2009 Summer Recital Program
We have students of all ages performing today. Some have been taking lessons for only a few months and others for several years.
The Studio teaches electric, bass, and acoustic guitars, along with the banjo. Today's performances will give you a sample of many different styles played on these instruments. So, Please, sit back and enjoy.
Zavier Tanner- Let It Be
Kayley Sewak- When September Ends
Austin Liu- Stairway to Heaven
David Parry- Brother Down
Greg Summers- At the Bottom of Everything
Lenny Long- Spiderman
Cameron Lee- Flight of the Bumble Bee
Duncan Lee- Bridge to Better Days
Skylar Thompson,
Megan Russell- Drops Of Jupiter
Skylar Thompson- Love Don't Live Here
Megan Russell- White Horse
Kelly Salmon- Blackbird
Gina Schulli- Ready to Run
Devyn Bohun- Tongue Tied
Katarina Villar- Jumper
Fraser Bucholtz- The Good Left Undone
Nicholas Moniz- AC/DC Medley
Frank Oelkers- Bluesette
Keaton Burgess,
Ian Frankenberger,
Greg Summers *Drummer*- Warning
The Wild Card
Ashleigh George
Katilynn Govender
Chelsea Jonathan
Nikalen Edwards
Greg Summers *Drummer*
Our Song
You Belong to Me
What I Like About You